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Let dancing become your passion.

Diana started with Latin American and standard dance. Soon after, she discovered her passion for street dance and hip-hop. For many years, Diana has been dancing street dance and hip-hop, as well as new style, locking and breakdance, at Samuels Dance Hall, and regularly trains in various workshops.

She is a member of Samuel's Crew, with which she performs on various stages throughout Germany. These include Berlin Nights, Jugendweihen Berlin & Brandenburg and 90s Olympus. She gained competitive experience through participating in various
championships such as the DDP Cup, Berlin Streetdance Championship and the Müritz Cup

In her courses she teaches a variety of dance styles (e.g. lady street dance and urban) and something that is particularly important to her: the fun and the feeling of dancing. Both beginners who are learning their first hip-hop steps and get a feeling for dance, and advanced students who want to develop and achieve something in a variety of choreographies, are in good hands with Diana.

Stop by and let her show you the variety of dance!

We look forward to seeing you!


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